Gourmet Nutrition: Three Years Later

About the Author: Eric Cressey

The Important Stuff First…

Given that Thanksgiving is upon us, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for your support in reading this newsletter and my articles, books, and blogs; attending seminars at which I present; and investing in my products.

To be honest, not a day goes by that I’m not awestruck and completely humbled that people actually care what I have to say.  I’m still a small town Maine guy at heart, so I’m not sure that I’ll ever get used to it.  Everyday, though, I do, however, relish the fact that I get to do what I love and help people in the process – and I thank you for making that possible with your support.

Best wishes to you and your families this holiday season.

Gourmet Nutrition: Three Years Later

Tonight, I mixed up some peanut butter fudge protein bars from Gourmet Nutrition– and came to a somewhat surprising realization in the process.  John Berardi sent me the following note Thanksgiving morning in 2004:

“Hey Cressey,

“I just finished a new ebook called Gourmet Nutrition and I wanted you to have one of the first copies.  Let me know what  you think.


In the two hours that followed, I browsed through the e-book; it was really good.

And here I am, still making the recipes almost three years to the day later.  I’d say that’s a good useful life for a product – and I don’t plan to stop using it anytime soon!

What’s even better is that John is now including this great e-book in the Precision Nutrition package.  For more information, check them out at PrecisionNutrition.com.

New Article and Blogs

I had a new article published at EliteFTS last Friday; be sure to check out Healing the Hips.

Thanks to some laptop problems, several writing projects, ordinary training schedules, and the holiday, we’ll wrap this one up – but will be back next week with plenty of content.

Happy Thanksgiving,

