My Accomplishments to Date

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Something New for

Not a week passes that I don’t receive a handful of emails from people – especially “up and comers” in the fitness industry – who are interested in not only how I got to where I am, but how I did so at such a young age.  I can say without wavering that I’m the last person you’ll ever hear toot his own horn, but I would say that my accomplishments to-date (I just turned 25) speak for themselves:

  • I published my first article just prior to my 21st birthday, and since then have gone on to author over 80 more articles in various online and print magazines
  • Mike Robertson and I released a very popular DVD, Magnificent Mobility.
  • I just completed my first training manual.
  • I’ve worked with or consulted for thousands of athletes at all levels, and even more ordinary “weekend warriors” in a variety of contexts.
  • I’ve set state, national, and world records in the sport of powerlifting.
  • I’ve been an invited guest speaker all over the country.

Again, I list these accomplishments not to boast, but simply to offer a frame of reference for the recommendations I’m about to make.  With that said, when someone emails me and asks how I got to where I am, and what resources I recommend, I make recommendations in several areas: work ethic, professionalism, demeanor, free resources, trial and error, seminars, and paid resources in terms of training, nutrition, and business.

Work Ethic

This is the foundation for everything.  I’d like to be able to give you a quick-fix answer, but the truth is that nothing will ever go as far as elbow grease and perseverance.  It sucks, but work long hours – longer than you could even imagine. I have regularly worked 80+ hour weeks for as long as I can remember; at times, it has been 40 of athletes/clients (some for free) and 40 of writing/online consulting/forum responses. I did it in the past so that I could get to where I am now, and I do it now to capitalize on the foundation I put down in the past and so that I can spend time with my family when that day comes.

I had a conversation with Mike Boyle on this back in December, and asked him flat-out where I should draw the line on work and play.  His response: “At your age, you don’t.  Sleep in the office if you have to.  It’ll all pay off.”  You won’t find someone who works harder than I do, and when one of the most sought-out performance enhancement coaches in the history of sports gives an overachiever like me that kind of encouragement, you not only pay attention; you go from really productive to crazy productive.

So, in short, the truth is that I have busted my butt from day one and wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t done so.  I didn’t spend a penny on alcohol in my college career; it was better spent on resources such as books, DVDs, seminars, and quality food and supplements to make me the lifter and coach that I am today.  I never went on Spring Break; I worked in gyms and with athletes at universities for every single one of them through my six years of college education (undergraduate and graduate).  I didn’t abuse my body with excessive late nights – or any alcohol or drugs – because I knew how such behavior would affect my training, coaching, and writing.  I haven’t even watched an episode of Survivor, 24, American Idol, Lost, Alias, Will and Grace, The Apprentice, or any of a number of other popular shows I’m forgetting to mention; I’d just rather be doing other things.  Don’t get me wrong; I’ve still had fun along the way, but I’ve gotten better about finding a balance.  Life is all about choices, and I chose to be where I am today.


It doesn’t cost a thing to be punctual, professional, and polite.  I credit a ton of my success to the fact that my parents instilled these values in me at an early age.  Write thank you notes to people who help you.  Shake people’s hands firmly and look them directly in the eye.  Show up on time.  Dress up for seminars that warrant dressing up.  Spell-check everything.  Say “please” and “thank you.”  You’d be amazed at how far these things go – seriously.  Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People should be required reading in every high school for this very reason.


If you don’t love what you’re doing, find something else.  Be enthusiastic; you can’t teach passion. If you love this, act like it and have some fun! You’ll be amazed at how your athletes and clients get excited when YOU get excited.  And, if you’re just training for you, you’ll be amazed at how much better you progress when you find something that excites you.  Going to train should never be an undesirable experience; if it is, you need to shuffle things up.

The Meat and Potatoes

With all that said, here’s a link to the newest addition to the Recommended Resources Page.

Have a great week!

