Off to Montreal!

About the Author: Eric Cressey

My girlfriend and I are headed out to Montreal tomorrow for the 2007 Vinkofest. It should make for a great event, and I’m anxious to see Poliquin and Thibaudeau in seminar for the first time. It’ll also be a great time catching up with Mike Robertson and Joe Defranco as well as several other industry friends who will be in the audience. If you’re in attendance, be sure to come up and introduce yourself.

Of course, my first one-day vacation in far too long will be nice, too!

Also, I’ll be listening to Jen Heath’s Fat Loss Pros audio collection on the plane ride. I’ll be sure to write up a review in my newsletter in the weeks to come. The reviews thus far have been fantastic, so I’m anxious to check it out for myself.

Eric Cressey
