Online Consulting Client Testimonials

About the Author: Eric Cressey

“When I wrote to Eric Cressey regarding online training, I had not lifted in over 3 months and my shoulder was gradually getting more painful doing everyday tasks. I had also consulted a physician about an MRI scan leading to the possibility of shoulder surgery. As a trainer, and someone who lives for the gym, I was pretty down about the whole situation so I decided to get expert advice.

“The program Eric wrote for me was a real eye opener in regards to GPP, frequency of drills needed, filler drills between sets, and several other key concepts. I already knew most of the components of the plan but the recommendations made were different to what I would have programmed myself and it this gave me great focus for the prescribed four weeks. The program was detailed and the online support via email was excellent.

Just 30 days and 24 training sessions later, my shoulder feels better than it has in over two years, my strength is increasing with each workout, and the foam roller doesn’t kill me anymore! Eric has changed my thinking about the importance and time given to warming up and targeted stretching to improve performance and I will always train smarter myself and with my clients in the future. Thanks, EC!”

Nathan Williams – Bahrain


“As a father of three active young boys and the leader of a growing business, I am not what you would consider an elite athlete; I won’t be showing up on anybody’s scouting reports for sure!  I have been training long-distance with Eric since early 2007, though, and I could not have asked for a better coach.

“Whether it’s training around injuries, “pre-habbing” for a knee surgery, or just checking technique and answering my questions, Eric has always been available to me when I needed him and has been supremely responsive to MY needs as a client.  It’s difficult to express in such a short space how happy I am with Eric’s services, except to say that I recommend him, unequivocally, to anybody I know who needs a coach.”

James Brandenburg – Bella Vista, AR


“Eric has established himself as a well-known, top-level strength and conditioning coach for athletes.  But, Eric is also an extremely gifted consultant for us ‘mere mortals’ who want to train sensibly while balancing family, business and other recreational activities into their schedule.  After following several different weight training programs for many years without any significant improvements, I contacted him about one and one-half years ago and have not looked back.  During this time, he has provided me with customized monthly programs that include mobilization, conditioning and strength training integrated into a time-effective and challenging program.

After diligently following his program, I can honestly say that at 51 years old, I am now the strongest that I have ever been while at the same time I have reduced body fat from 20% to 12%.  Oh yes, this has all been done solely via email, as I live 8,500 miles away in Bangkok, Thailand!  For anyone not fortunate enough to be able to train at Cressey Performance, I highly recommend his distance-based service.”

Randy Shaw – Bangkok, Thailand


“In September of 2008, I visited Cressey Performance to work on a chronic shoulder issue. With the four high-profile powerlifting meets over a five-month period looming ahead, I sought out Eric’s expertise to get me through them with minimal shoulder pain during the bench press.

“Eric first assessed me and then gave me some viable alternatives to benching to keep me in the game. He made me realize I didn’t necessarily need to just bench to maintain my strength. Eric focused on mobilizing and strengthening all the surrounding musculature, which directly helps with the lift.

“The results speak for themselves, as I was able to go on to win two of those meets (AAU Worlds & USAPL Women’s Nationals) and place second at Raw Unity Meet and third at the Arnold Classic!  I am looking forward to continuing with Eric’s program so that I can win USAPL Raw Nationals in July and IPF Masters Worlds in October.

“For those of you whose training programs have stalled, or for those of you who have an injury that is preventing you from making any gains, I highly recommend a trip to Cressey Performance. If you can’t make it there, work with him in an online consulting medium, at the very least!”

Ellen Stein – Six-Time IPF Masters World Powerlifting Champion


“I cannot thank Eric enough for the programs he has written for me.  As an online client, I am 100% impressed with his ability to identify and address my weaknesses with fantastic results.  Having been in and out of gyms for over 20 years, I can say without reservation that the work I have done under his guidance has crushed (performance-wise) everything else I have ever tried. Period.

However, there is so much more to this than the numbers. My nagging shoulder is nearly a thought from the past.  I am far more balanced and flexible and most definitely stronger!  The foam roller work and mobility exercises have changed my ability to push hard.  I also came to Eric in effort to gain strength and a better understanding of exercise technique.  Thanks to this education and Eric’s effective programming, after just 15 weeks, I am thrilled with my improvements on the bench press (40lbs), box squat (35lbs), deadlift (65lbs), and chin-up (50lbs) – and these numbers keep improving.    These are numbers I have not put up since I was in college 28 years ago!

I also found it incredibly motivating to send my training log in each week to get feedback.  Eric’s responsiveness to my e-mail questions and comments about my training log submissions are both timely and informative.

If I were to talk to someone who was contemplating working with Eric, I would say the following: check your false pride and ego at the door, be prepared to train hard every session, be prepared to learn, and most
definitely, look forward to getting results. BIG results.

Paul Hellar – Duxbury, MA


“After 25 years of extreme bodily abuse in the pursuit of a bodybuilder’s physique, I decided to give corrective exercise a try.  I came to Eric Cressey from across the U.S. after connecting with his philosophy and approach via his web articles.  I immediately saw the genius behind the Cressey Performance approach to strength and muscle development and entered into an online consulting agreement.  After eight months of training on programs authored by Eric, I have managed to correct flaws in my movement patterns and resolve several debilitating chronic ailments caused by years of improper form and overuse.  He has helped this 40-year-old fix up a cranky knee, soothe ailing shoulders, eliminate low back pain, and become stronger in the process.  I encourage anyone interested in exploring the absolute cutting-edge of exercise science to contact Eric right away and begin the journey towards a more intelligent and efficient way to build size and strength.”

Ray Bennett – Portland, OR


“Working with Eric has been a very valuable experience for me.  Prior to starting with Eric, I had spent the better part of two years not making any gains in the gym due to injuries to both my right shoulder and my lower back.  Multiple orthopedists, physical therapists, and chiropractors only produced marginal improvements in my pain levels and most suggested I had made as much progress as could be expected without surgical methods.  So after more than a year and a half of dealing with these injuries, I became desperate and began looking into my options for surgery.

As a last resort before going under the knife, I decided to work with Eric after reading through some of his online material.  This turned out to be the best decision I could have made.  After the first four weeks, I noticed significant improvements in my pain levels.  Now, several months later, I am injury-free and able to push myself in the gym without the fear of getting hurt again.  I am setting personal records on a regular basis, learning a lot, and finally making gains once again.  And all along, Eric has been very supportive, very informative, and more than willing to answer my many, many questions.”

Danny Ferrari – Washington, D.C.


“Over the past eight months I have been an online client of Eric’s, and most recently completed the Maximum Strength program.  I originally sought Eric’s assistance after experiencing a chronic overuse injury of my rotator cuff, as my shoulder was simply breaking down due to excessive isolation exercises and overtraining in my years of lifting.   Eric provided an individualized program that not only rebuilt my entire scapular region in five months, but provided the foundation from which to excel in his Maximum Strength program.

“At the conclusion of Maximum Strength, I surpassed 1000 lbs as my combined total on the squat, bench, and deadlift despite never training for strength in the squat or deadlift prior to the program.  My shoulder is now stronger than any time in the past.  The focus on my posterior chain has enabled me to achieve personal records in all pressing and pulling exercises at the age of 38.  I simply train with more weight than ever before.  After 20 years of training with an emphasis on isolation, I have never experienced the rapid success, health, and strength in the eight months I have worked with Eric and his programs built around strength and mobility.  Eric is an incredible coach capable of communicating to clients at all levels of development.”

Maurie Munro – Colleyville, TX


“I have been working with Eric for years now.  When I started, I was coming off a serious knee injury, which was preventing me from running.  A few months later I was pain-free and back to regularly running.  Eric understands, in light of the most recent research, how strength and speed training fits with endurance training. I particularly like the fact that, although the program is clearly running-focused, it takes the weight-room and mobility components just as seriously.  You will not find yourself doing a few bicep curls after monotonous days of long, slow distance running.  You’ll be doing intervals and deadlifts, getting stronger and, therefore, faster, with fewer injuries.”

Sean Thompson – New York, NY


For more information on Eric’s online consulting services, please email
