Quick Fixes to Common Training Injuries

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Call it a law of weightlifting: no matter how careful you are, at some point you’re gonna get hurt. Now you probably won’t decapitate yourself with a barbell or tear a pec or even rupture your spleen—the weightlifter’s injuries are rarely that cool or sudden.

Nope, you’ll probably just end up with a bum shoulder, a pinched elbow, a bad back, or creaky knees, all the result of years of faulty movement patterns, poor training habits, or just general wear and tear. And while these injuries are always frustrating, they’re often manageable.

Because it’s hard to build a good-looking body when you’re hurt, I talked with Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson about how these body parts probably got jacked up in the first place, and asked them for simple strategies to get you healthy.

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