Random Friday Thoughts: 10/10/08

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Busy day today, so we’ll be short and sweet. I met my new nephew last night for the first time, and as would be expected with the Cressey last name, he’s a stud. Based on grip strength, I would project him as a 2026 draft pick for the Red Sox. He also really likes to sleep, which is a trait I’ve also noticed in all our pro baseball guys. We don’t have a lot of height in the family, so I’m thinking that lefty-specialist out of the bullpen will be the best route to go. He’ll throw some wicked pisser cheddar (pronounced “wikkid pissah cheddah” here in Boston).

2. Click HERE for a great review from Leigh Peele of my new e-book, The Truth About Unstable Surface Training.

3. We’ve put in a lot of work (actually, Kevin’s done most of the work) on the site this week, and our new format should be good to go within the next two weeks. This new set-up will put my personal website and blog in the same place.

4. I saw a 6-6, 323-pound athlete vertical jump 24 inches this week. For those who haven’t experienced this first-hand, that’s a big peak power output. He then devoured two undersized high school athletes in a single bite.

5. Who says you can’t load a push-up?

At the top, on the first few reps, this is a percentage of my body weight plus 10 chains (150 pounds total).

6. I heard talk last weekend of a pretty cool “scapula shirt” that essentially bridges the gap between post-surgery “scap jackets” (help with posture) and Underarmour-type shirts. This could have a ton of merit for those who tend to fall into bad postures easily during the day. The product hasn’t been released, but you can bet that I’m going to get my hands on one as soon as possible to test drive it.

7. Volume 1 of the Fitcast Insider is available in its entirety. I did an interview with Kevin Larrabee, and there’s some great stuff in there. If you’re an up-and-comer in the strength and conditioning or personal training fields, definitely check this out HERE.

8. I talk a lot about how much of a problem glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) is in baseball players, but it’s also a significant issue in the general population. As a rule of thumb, everyone should be able to get 65-70 degrees of shoulder internal rotation at a position of 90 degrees abduction without the scapula going into anterior tilt. For this reason, we test everyone on their backs with the scapula fixed. The numbers are lower, but it keeps people honest.

9. Let’s go Sox!
