Random Friday Thoughts: 11/20/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Exciting week around here, as it’s getting to be that time of the year when our high school ballplayers – both 2010 and 2011 – finalize some of their plans.

Last weekend, RHP Barrett O’Neill (2011) verbally committed to the University of Virginia on a baseball scholarship, and on Tuesday, RHP Travis Dean (2010) signed his letter of intent to pitch at Kennesaw St. University in Georgia.  A few weeks earlier, RHP/3B Joe Napolitano (2011) had verbally committed to Boston College.  These three comprise 3/8 of our current 90mph+ high school crew – and I suspect that the other five will be following soon!

Also this week, 2B Erik Watkins (2010) committed to Skidmore and CF Billy Bereszniewicz (2010) committed to Binghampton.  Previously, catcher James Alfonso (2010) had accepted a scholarship to play at the University of Hartford.  Plenty more to come soon, no doubt…

2. Speaking of Travis, here is something I love about him: he has INTENT on every single medicine ball throw he makes.  It isn’t just about “tossing” a ball to a wall and rotating your hips.  It’s about getting your entire body into the effort – to the point that you’re trying to break the ball (or wall!) on every single drill.

Once we have taught our guys the technique for the drill, it’s about getting after it.  If you aren’t training rotation aggressively, you might as well not do it at all.

3. I got a lot of great comments from readers on my A Few Days in Arizona on Monday; I’d encourage you to check it out.

4. One of the key points I made was that respiratory function was essential for ideal performance and posture, and I recognize that the concept might be completely foreign for a lot of my readers.  To that end, I’d encourage you check out The Anatomy of Breathing.


It’s a pretty quick read that gives you good insights into the anatomy of the respiratory system and common dysfunctions that occur.  Once you start getting an appreciation for the muscles involved, you can start to see how poor diaphragmatic function can easily lead to overactivity of sternocleidomastoid, scalene, pec minor, intercostals – basically, a lot of muscles commonly implicated in upper extremity dysfunction.  You can just stretch and massage those areas, but it’s just like putting a bucket on the floor when the roof is leaking; it’s better to just fix the roof (aberrant breathing patterns).

5. I also touched on breathing patterns a bit in my seminar this past weekend.  Check out a few great reviews of the event:

Review #1: Bill White

Review #2: Joe Schafer

Review #3:

Yes, it was so exciting that it startled people.

6. Some interesting findings HERE that shows that there may be a strong link between childhood obesity and the development of multiple sclerosis later on in life.  One hypothesis is that it may be linked to the low levels of Vitamin D that one sees in overweight kids, and another that it could be related to the fatty tissue itself.   One more reason to take Vitamin D!

7. We’re all headed to Providence tonight to watch CP client and pro boxer Danny O’Connor try to run his professional record to 10-0.  I think we’ll be setting a world record for the number of professional baseball players in attendance at a boxing match.  Let’s go, Danny!

