Random Friday Thoughts: 2/5/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s been a while since I’ve published a Random Friday Thoughts blog.  So, I guess you could say that this is some random randomness.  Enjoy.

1. Anyone who tells you that being a strength and conditioning coach is just about training doesn’t realize that it goes far beyond that.  This off-season, we’ve helped our pro guys out everything from composing a best man’s toast to tying a tie.  We’ve even come full-service to offer haircuts in the office.

2. Jacob Hiler recently interviewed me about vertical jump training; check it out HERE.

3. I got some great feedback on Assess and Correct via email the other day from Jon Hochberg:

Just wanted to commend you on your latest product, Assess and Correct (kudos to Mike and Bill as well, of course).  As a purchaser of most all of your products, I found this to be your most mature – not necessarily in terms of content, but in terms of presentation and delivery.  Assess and Correct does not merely list corrective exercises, but outlines an integrated process that each athlete, regardless of level, can navigate through.  From the body photos at the beginning of the manual, to the exercise listings and the demonstrations on the video, the user has a complete road map in front of him that he can use for the rest of his career, especially since you grouped the progressions into sensible categories.  I think the manual in conjunction with the videos is the real key here.  I can read about what I need to do, and if I need a more clear demonstration, I can look it up in the video chapters and watch it for more clarification.  It’s nice when someone else puts in the hard work and does the research for the rest of us, so that we have a clear picture of where to go next.

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Thanks to Jon for the feedback.  You can pick up your copy of Assess and Correct HERE.

4. My buddy Jim “Smitty” Smith at DieselCrew.com is doing a great fundraiser for Haiti relief efforts.  Check it out here. It’s a great idea for a great cause.

5.  Another easy way to keep track of me is on Facebook, for those of you who have it.  Just consider yourself forewarned that if you post questions on my wall about why your shoulder hurts or ask “what’s your biceps workout, bro?,” I’ll delete you as a friend faster than Tony Gentilcore can say “I love techno.”  Life’s not fair sometimes; sorry.

6. I don’t know what this picture has to do with anything, but I thought that it was great.


7. Quote of the week: “The higher up you get, the more hot air you encounter.”  It rang true when one of my athletes this week informed me that – according to some local trainer (who I’ve never met, but apparently is a competitor of ours) – I was responsible for a nearby pitcher’s elbow injury.  This was remarkable, considering I’ve never even met or talked with this pitcher, let alone assessed him, programmed for him, or trained him!

I know we get a lot of industry up-and-comers reading this site, and perhaps the best career advice I can give you is to ignore what other people say.  Listen to your customers/clients/athletes, your staff, and your family; those are the opinions that matter.  If I spent hours each day arguing on internet forums with my critics, I’d be wasting time that could otherwise be spent with the former three groups: the ones that matter.

8. I’m keeping a diet log this week for the first time in about three years.  I’ve gotten so accustomed to just maintaining my weight without really thinking about it that I figured I actually ought to check and see just how many calories I’m taking in on a daily basis.  It definitely makes you think about what you eat a lot more!

9. Here’s a great little piece about two Cressey Performance athletes – Billy Bereszniewicz and Adam Ravenelle (both of Lincoln-Sudbury) – who have committed to play Division 1 baseball.

10. Short one today, as I’ve got a bunch to do before the weekend. We’ve got a full schedule here at CP on Saturday, and then I’m back to my old stomping grounds at Gampel Pavilion at UCONN to watch the basketball team play Depaul.

Then, it’s house/condo “shopping” on Sunday.  I’m getting all grown up before your very eyes…

Have a great weekend!
