Random Friday Thoughts: 4/24/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. It’s been a crazy week ever since Anna and I got engaged on Sunday.  You never truly realize how many people you know until they all try to email/call/text you at once to say congratulations.  With my cell phone and email inbox going crazy, I kind of felt like Jerry Maguire – minus the whole weird scientology and jumping on Oprah’s couch stuff.

2. On Wednesday, I got out to watch two high school games where CP athletes pitched, and then headed to Fenway to watch the Sox beat the Twins.  In Game 1, Weston High Sahil Bloom had a no-hitter through 6 2/3 innings before giving up a bloop single, and then Auburn High’s Tyler Beede threw six innings.

3. Next week, I’ll be publishing the first installment of a collection of nutrition articles from Eric Talmant.  Eric has some very forward-thinking ideas to share, and it’ll make a nice weekly addition to EricCressey.com.  Be sure to check them out.

4. I’m getting really excited for this year’s Perform Better Summits.  I’ll be speaking in Providence, RI and Long Beach, CA (there is also one in Chicago); I’d definitely encourage you to check the events out if you live in that neck of the woods.  My presentations should question the “diagnostic norms” – in much the same way that I did with this week’s newsletter.

5. Speaking of newsletters, I got several inquiries after I ran this one about the medicine ball training we do with our pitchers. In particular, folks were curious about the medicine ball we used in drills like this:

The medicine balls in question can be found HERE.

6. I’ve written quite a bit in the past about how a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit can be one contributing factor (among others) to medial elbow injuries in overhead throwing athletes.  The other day, someone asked me if I had any scientific evidence to support this idea.  The answer would be a resounding YES.

Very simply, if you lack internal rotation, you’ll go to the elbow to “regain” that lost range-of-motion.  It’s the same reason that ankle mobility deficits can lead to knee pain, and hip mobility deficits can lead to knee and lower back pain.

7. I don’t really “get” how this whole Delicious bookmarking thing works, but Jon Boyle (who helps out with the blog) recommended I start sending him recommendations of good stuff I’ve read.  You can find some of my recommended reading/viewing off to the right-hand side of the page.  If there are books you recommend I check out, by all means, please post suggestions in the comments to these blogs; I’m always looking for new reading material.

Have a great weekend!
