Random Friday Thoughts: 5/15/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. It’s a fun time of year around Cressey Performance, as all the college guys are starting to roll back in, and the high school baseball playoffs are nearly at hand.  Brian St. Pierre was so excited about it that he tried to high five on of our power racks with his forehead.  He (and his three stitches) will be featured in the next episode of “When Power Racks Attack.”


2. After I mentioned last week that Mike Robertson, Bill Hartman, and I had something in the works, I got several emails (and a stand-up question at the end of my talk at Perform Better last weekend) from people wanting to know what we were scheming up.  Suffice it to say that it’s a sequel to Magnificent Mobility and Inside-Out, but on a whole new level.  If those DVDs were little league, this is going to be big league stuff,

We’ll have detailed assessments, progressions, and sport-specific protocols.  I guess you could say that it’s somewhat of a “choose your own adventure” book where you can take multiple paths; and, in the case of trainers/strength coaches, you can help your clients/athletes out individually.  And, there will be a nice tag-along manual. We are hoping to get this kid to sing on the soundtrack, but his agent won’t call me back.

Anyway, we’ve got over three years of accumulated “add-ons” from the initial MM DVD, and it’s also the first time the three of us have put all our heads together on a project.  Should be very cool – and we are hoping for a mid-summer release date.  If you aren’t already subscribed to my newsletter, definitely do so (with the feature over to the right of this page) and we’ll make sure you’re notified right away.  You can view a sample of this newsletter by checking out the one from earlier this week: Newsletter 154.

3. Mike Reinold has an awesome blog post series going about Anterior Knee Pain. Whether you’re a strength coach, personal trainer, physical therapist, garbageman, orthodontist, or lazy wanker who just lives in his parents’ basement, I’d highly recommend you check it out at MikeReinold.com.

4. One of the things I love the most about training pitchers is when they go out in the spring – after a winter of training to improve throwing velocity and prevent injury – and start hitting bombs at the plate.  Obviously, it’s awesome for their confidence, but just as importantly, it’s proof in the pudding that simply enhancing overall athleticism will carry over to just about anything.

If a kid only goes from 78 to 88mph on the mound, he tries to attribute it solely to a change in mechanics or lots of rubber tubing drills for his rotator cuff.  However, if he starts hitting 400-foot shots alongside that velocity increase, you know he’ll start to appreciate that the extra 20 pounds of meat on his butt, hamstrings, and upper back – and the big strength increases – are all playing a part in that improvement.

That’s all.  Have a great weekend!
