Random Friday Thoughts: 8/29/08

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. As you probably know, I haven’t been updating here quite as frequently of late, but fortunately, it’s with good reason. The summer’s winding down, so we’ve been getting our fall schedule all squared away with the high school guys – plus some local college guys at programs that don’t have organized S&C programs. Additionally, all of our minor leaguers are in the final few days of their seasons right now, so coordinating with them and a few agents has been a priority right now. Fortunately, though, there are also some exciting things in store for this blog…

2. Basically, we’re going to be combining EricCressey.com with EricCressey.Blogspot.com. So, my blog will be available directly from EricCressey.com. In the process, we have to transfer a ton of content – but the good news is that the finished product will look a lot more professional and organized when all is said and done. In the meantime, thanks for your patience as we make this switch.

3. I was chatting yesterday with Doug Carroll, a great hitting coach with whom we work. Doug played professional baseball to a very high level in both the Mariners and Devil Rays organizations. We both agreed that one thing you’ll notice in the majority of high level athletes is that they really don’t give a crap what anyone outside their family thinks of them. I think that if more people approached their lifting with this mindset, we’ve have a lot more people who were really big and strong. Interestingly, this closely parallels my approach to internet forums – and, thus far, ignoring what the haters say has been a great decision.

4. Never forget that you don’t have to leave the gym exhausted for the session to be considered productive. Take a 300-pound lineman and have him run five miles; he’ll be completely exhausted by the end of the session. He’ll also be slower, more likely to get injured, and definitely more likely to want to kick your teeth in.

5. Something you might not know: there are estrogen receptors on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) that – along with several other factors – make females more susceptible to ACL ruptures. The cyclical nature of estrogen and progesterone markedly influences ACL strength via fibroblast activity – so at certain times of the month, the ACL is more likely to tear. The ACL may also be predisposed to dramatic mood swings that make everything your fault, fellas.

6. I had a new article published yesterday, in case you missed it: 5 More Common Technique Mistakes.

7. I got two separate bills from Comcast in the past two days for a total of over $314. Do you think they read my blog, or is their billing system simply as hopelessly inadequate as their customer service?

8. Someone asked me yesterday, “Are single-leg leg press a good unilateral leg exercise? I hate lunges.” Sorry, dude; single-leg leg presses don’t count for anything.

9. I’m working on a detailed write-up on my views on running for pitchers right now. I think it’ll open a lot of eyes – if I ever get time to finish it! I also have a new e-book in the works that I think will open a lot of eyes.

10. Have a great holiday weekend, everyone.
