Random Friday Thoughts: 9/11/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. First off, I hope everyone takes a moment our of their day today to remember all those who lost their lives in 2001.

2. I’d encourage you guys to check out a great article from Chris Shugart at T-Muscle on the topic of Vitamin D:

“D” is for Doping

A lot of you know that I’ve been a huge advocate of supplemental Vitamin D for about two years now, and this article outlines a lot of reasons why I’m such a fan.

3. It was a great night in Double A playoffs for a few CP athletes last night. Huntsville Star Steffan Wilson – just one day after a call-up from High A – hit a game-winning 3-run homerun in the opener of a five-game playoff series.  Steffan is a corner infielder in the Brewers System.

At the same time, CP athlete and San Antonio (Padres AA) pitcher Will Inman picked up the win to even up their playoff series at 1-1.

4. Along those same lines, here are a few recent articles about some CP athletes:

Quinn Begins Southern Quest

Size Doesn’t Matter: A Conversation with Blue Jays Pitching Prospect Tim Collins

5. Check out this study, which reported a markedly different neuromuscular pattern in those athletes who ruptured ACLs as compared to those who didn’t.

In a nutshell, at pre-screening, prior to a cutting maneuver, all five players who went on to rupture ACLs actually recruited more vastus lateralis (quads) and less semitendinosis (hamstrings).  It isn’t surprising that this would be an injury predisposition, as the hamstrings work synergistically with the ACL.  Reduce hamstrings activity, and the ACL has to take on more of the stress.  It’s the same old Active vs. Passive Restraints discussion we’ve had in the past.

The bigger question, in my eyes, is why certain individuals showed this tendencies.  Was it their builds (greater Q angles)?  Prior training programs that may have omitted things?  A combination of the two?

Interested in learning more?  I highly recommend checking out Bulletproof Knees; Mike Robertson did a fantastic job with it.


Have a great weekend!
