Random Monday Thoughts: 9/13/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. In today’s big news, I simply want to tell you to be on the lookout for a HUGE week here at EricCressey.com.

First, we’re going to be having some awesome content in conjunction with the launch of my new product, Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better.


Expect some awesome video content and more details about the product over the next week – but if you want to see it, you need to make sure that you are signed up for my newsletter.  If you haven’t already done so, you can subscribe using the following opt-in form (which will also get you access to a sweet deadlifting tutorial):


Along these same lines, the new and improved EricCressey.com will be debuting alongside the launch of Show and Go on the 20th.  It will blow our current set-up out of the water.

2. I’m going to be relatively brief today, as I’m headed down to Reebok’s corporate headquarters in Canton, MA this morning to film some videos on the needs and benefits of strength and conditioning.  I’ve been down there a few times with some of our pro guys who have endorsement deals when they’ve shopped in the athlete/employee store, and the entire “campus” is pretty darn impressive:


3. The good folks at Men’s Health tracked me down for an on-the-fly video tutorial in the lobby at Perform Better in Providence back in June, and the video is now available online. It goes through a few example of thoracic and glenohumeral joint mobility drills we use with our athletes. A special thanks goes out to CP intern Dave Rak for his help in demonstrating this while I was coaching it.

You can find more drills like these (and the rationale for them) on our Optimal Shoulder Performance DVD set.


4. While this article isn’t as shocking to those of us in the fitness industry who are appalled at the ridiculously low standards our industry has set for allowing someone to become a personal trainer, I’m sure it was to the general public who read it.  And, it’s very well written.  Check it out: For a Price, Area Firm Certifies the Novice as a Fitness Expert.  Sad, but true.

5. My fiancee and I have a minor league pitcher staying with us for a week while he’s in town to get evaluated and do some training on a post-rehab stint.  He’ll head back to his hometown through the end of the year, and then come back to train with us for the nine weeks leading up to spring training.

On Thursday night, we were watching the NFL season opening in my living room – and I was writing programs on my laptop.  He commented something along the lines of “Damn, you really do work all day, don’t you?”  As I thought about it, I guess I really do.  I’m usually up at 6AM to make breakfast and see my fiancee before she heads off to work, and then I go right to writing/consulting work up through about 10:15AM, when I head over to the facility, get in my lift, and then coach from 12PM to 6PM or so.  Then, it’s back home – often to do more programming, answer emails, and – right now – finish up this new project.

He asked me what my ultimate career goal was, and I told him that it essentially amounted to doing my writing in the morning, and then coaching my pro/college guys during the day, and then 1-2 hours of high school guys right after school.  He looks at me and goes, “That’s still a nine-hour day, man!”

As you can probably tell, I’m not particularly good about shutting things down.  The reason is really simple: I love what I do.  I still need to get better at turning it off more often, though!

6. On a related note, our pro baseball off-season is in full swing now.  I did one evaluation on Wednesday and three on Thursday – on top of the guys who have already started up (or are working off some of our programs elsewhere in the country before they come up).  It should be a great crew of guys getting after it, and we’re all really excited about what the next six months has in store for us.  Thus far, the most entertaining moment has been Royals’ prospect Tim Collins’ triumphant return to Cressey Performance – where he walked around the gym and high-fived all 20 or so clients (even the ones he didn’t know) who were in the facility at the time.

7. Our boy is back – and the offer to train for free at CP still stands for him!
