Random Friday Thoughts: 9/4/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Roger “It Ain’t Over ‘Til I Turn in this Power Rangers T-Shirt and Reclaim my Man Card with a Thundercats Shirt” Lawson has his revenge!

Okay, so it was really only good for third place.  It was, however, markedly improved from the previous effort, so we’ll give him a thumbs-up (but not a high-five, Roger; that’s just not how I roll).  Thanks for all your hard work this summer!

2. Speaking of thumbs-up, here’s a diet that would make it difficult to give that stamp of approval:

The Amputation Diet

Just in case you weren’t catching the sarcasm in that post, please don’t go and cut your hand off.

3. For those of you looking for a good read, I’d encourage you to check out Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.


Now, before you go and start telling everyone that Cressey’s gone off the deep end and is now a distance running zealot, I liked this book because it talked a lot about the merits of barefoot training and how we’ve been royally screwed by modern shoe companies.  If you’re a runner who has ever had plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendon issues, you have to give this a read.

I actually listened to the book on tape during my commute to the facility.  The unabridged version is about eleven hours long, and is very entertaining.

4. The first pro ball player off-season training session is in the book for Tuesday.  A big gold star goes out to Blue Jays Double-A pitcher Tim Collins for officially kicking off the madness that is the life my life from now through the third Monday in March. Tim’s season ends on Monday, and he’s practically kicking the door down to come back and train.

With attitude like this, and 18 pro guys confirmed (and more still sorting out details), it’s shaping up to be a great off-season at CP.  I am fired up!

And on that note, make it a good weekend!
