Random Wednesday Thoughts: 8/13/08

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Yes, you read that right; it’s Random Wednesday Thoughts. Today (it’s technically 12:01AM), my girlfriend and I are moving to a new apartment. And, tomorrow, we’re headed north to Maine for the weekend. Since the internet still hasn’t been introduced in Maine, I won’t be able to blog while I’m up there.

2. Michael Phelps is pretty dominant, huh? At some point, this is going to get old. Don’t be surprised if he asks them to replace the Star Spangled Banner with “Living in America” by James Brown just to keep things amusing.

3. Speaking of the Olympics, does anyone understand a word that Bella Karolyi is saying?

4. To the folks who were trying to argue against the 40-inch vertical jump I posted earlier this week by implementing complex mathematical equations, I’d strongly encourage you to go back to your Star Trek reruns and get your hand out of your pants. And, try to come up with an elaborate scheme to get your squat up to 135 and maybe, just maybe, actually kiss a girl someday. Female cousins don’t count, though, fellas.

5. I recently received an email question asking if I felt that bench pressing below the “90 degree” elbow mark is harmful for the shoulder, particularly the capsule. The capsular stress argument is really only an issue in those who go into anterior tilt as they approach the bottom position. If you force hyperextension on a scapula in anterior tilt, this will be an issue. Benching with good technique – elbows tucked, chest to the bar, shoulder blades back and down, air in the belly – avoids this problem. For more information, head over to T-Nation.com and read my “Shoulder Savers” series.

6. I’m pretty amazed at how many people have to ask if they need to warm up on their first resistance training exercise. They do the mobility warm-ups prior to lifting, but then wonder if it’s a problem to just throw 315 on the bar and start squatting. Duh! Gradually work your way up.

7. I’ve actually begun to think that all physical therapists should take some sort of class or certification on dealing with overhead throwing athletes. This summer alone, I’ve seen two athletes cleared for return to play with overwhelming glaring movement impairments that are sure-fire recipes for disaster. Long story short, both athletes had internal rotation deficits of greater than 27 degrees on their throwing shoulder. The research has shown that anything over 17.9 degrees markedly increases one’s risk of elbow pain and shoulder (SLAP lesion) problems. Just because an athlete is pain free does not mean he/she is physically ready to participate.

8. Can someone please tell me how synchronized diving was retained as an Olympic sport while baseball and softball are being kicked to the curb?

Wow, that was pretty cynical. Michelle must be rubbing off on me. She’ll be so proud!
