Random Friday Thoughts: 8/28/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Just got this email from a satisfied customer of The Truth About Unstable Surface Training:

“Just wanted to drop a quick note to say outstanding work on ‘TAUST!’  It was truly comprehensive and head and shoulders above anything else written on the topic.  The evidence was very well presented and you did a bang-up job on analyzing the available data and making a very evenhanded thesis.”

Mike Howard
Vancouver, British Columbia


2. Here is yet ANOTHER study supporting the huge role of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is very important in processing cholesterol, and in the absence of it, more is stored in blood vessels.

3. I’ve been getting quite a few emails asking me when the new product from Bill, Mike, and I will be ready.  Well, I can tell you that we’ve spent the week reviewing footage and making some adjustments, so we are, in fact, getting close!  It will definitely be September; I can promise you that.  Keep an eye out for an announcement in this blog and my newsletter.

4. In last week’s random thoughts, I mentioned that I’d been getting multiple daily invites to join a Facebook group about fat loss for the general population – and I’d ignored each one.  Well, I got five more invitations this week, bringing the total to 15 invites in 13 days.  This guy really doesn’t take “NO” for an answer, huh?  Or, maybe I’m just a popular guy

5. In case you missed this week’s newsletter, check it out HERE.  There are several videos and a rotator cuff stregthening progression that I frequently use.  And, if you aren’t subscribed already, you ought to be!  The sign-up for the free weekly newsletter can be found to the top right of this screen.

6. Thanks to everyone who voted in yesterday’s poll.  I’m pretty sure our boy (or girl?) got the message that strength coaches don’t wear capris…
