Random Friday Thoughts: 2/13/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

While Friday the 13th is generally supposed to be an ominous day, I’m pretty psyched to have several buddies in town for the 3rd Annual Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning Winter Seminar this weekend.  It’s always good to catch up with friends like Mike Robertson, Randy Dillon, Brijesh Patel, Mike Boyle, John Pallof, Jonathan Fass, and loads of others who I’m probably overlooking.  Former CP intern and current “Baddest Man in Syracuse” Chris Howard will even be making an appearance.  I’ll be speaking on assessment and off-season training for baseball, and if time permits, I’ll be busting out some of the best shadow puppets you’ll ever see.

That said, I’ve been absolutely swamped this week  as I prepare for the seminar (actually headed to pick up Robertson at the airport in a few minutes here) and handle my regular duties at Cressey Performance.  So, I looked to some “coming through in the clutch” performances to inspire me – and provide the content for this week’s newsletter:

The Nutty Buddy (special thanks to Will Inman for introducing me to this former coach of his):

I think everyone ought to buy a Nutty Buddy just because this guy is awesome.  Enough said.

The Spelling Bee Fainter

The “I Like Turtles” Kid

Clutch, indeed.

Oh, and speaking of clutch, don’t forget to check out Alwyn Cosgrove and Mike Roussell’s sweet Warpspeed Fat Loss offer before it expires on Monday.  This is a great deal on a great product.

Make it a good one, folks.
