Random Friday Thoughts: 4/17/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

1. Tonight, my girlfriend and I are headed up to Maine for the weekend.  I am giving two presentations tomorrow at the NSCA Maine Symposium.  Lucky for me, both presentations are on topics that have been big interests to me: training for overhead throwing athletes, and instability training (this is closely related to the content of my e-book, The Truth About Unstable Surface Training.


2.Speaking of instability training, in the book, I outline several progressions to increase the stability challenge (to, in turn, train balancing proficiency).  One of these methods is to simply raise the center of gravity.  It could be simply moving from a dumbbell forward lunge to a barbell forward lunge, or you could make it even tougher by bringing the barbell overhead.

The higher up the center of gravity goes, the tougher it is to stabilize.

3. On the topic of new new projects,I’m working on what I think will be one of the best series I’ve ever written – right up there with the Shoulder Savers Series.  So far, it’s looking like a three-parter, but if I keep rolling like I am right now, it might have 857 installments.  Keep an eye out for it, as Part 1 will be the next thing I submit to T-Nation.

3. Here’s an interesting compilation of the healthiest fast food choices out there.  To be honest, I don’t think the grading scale was tough enough on them.  If Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and McDonald’s all get a B+, I shiver to think what warrants a C, D, or F…

4. I often gets questions about what we look for in an ideal Cressey Performance intern. While I could probably list off about 50 qualities I like to see in someone, without a doubt, the first prerequisite is to actually get your application in on time.  We have received over five applications in the WEEKS following our March 15 deadline for summer internship applications.  They not only lost out because we’d already picked our interns, but also because it tells me that they probably wouldn’t have done very well with respect to following directions anyway!

5. Speaking of ways to “stand out” in your field, the up-and-comers in the crowd definitely ought to check out this great blog post from Mike Reinold.

6. Nice first outing yesterday for Weston pitcher and CP athlete Sahil Bloom.  Our boy took a no-hitter into the final inning, and ended up with 14K.  Congrats to Lincoln-Sudbury on moving to 4-0 this week, too.

That’ll do it for today.  I should be back with some cool news on Monday, so keep an eye out for the blog and newsletter.  Have a great weekend!
