Register Now for the 3rd Annual Cressey Sports Performance Fall Seminar!
I’m psyched to announce that on Sunday, September 28, we’ll be hosting our third annual fall seminar at Cressey Sports Performance. As was the case with our extremely popular fall event over the past two years, this event will showcase both the great staff we’re fortunate to have as part of our team. Also like last year, we want to make this an affordable event for everyone and create a great forum for industry professionals and fitness enthusiasts alike to interact, exchange ideas, and learn.
Here are the presentation topics:
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A “New” Diagnosis for the Same Old Problems – Presented by Eric Cressey
More and more individuals – both athletes and non-athletes alike – are being diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome. In this presentation, Eric will explain what it is, how it’s treated, and – most importantly – what fitness professionals and rehabilitation specialists can do to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
Making Bad Movement Better – Presented by Tony Gentilcore
Tony will cover the most common technique flaws he sees on a daily basis, outlining both coaching cues and programming strategies one can utilize to improve exercise technique. He’ll also cover progressions and regressions, and when to apply them.
Paleo: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Presented by Brian St. Pierre
Paleo: possibly the most hyped nutritional approach to come along since Atkins. This, of course, begs the question: do the results match the hype? Is it right for everybody? Do we really need to avoid dairy, legumes and grains to achieve optimal health? Do all clients need to take their nutrition to this level? In this presentation, Brian explores the pros and the cons, the insights and the fallacies of the Paleo movement. And, he’ll discuss the accumulated wisdom from coaching over 30,000 individuals, and what that teaches us about which nutritional camp to which should really “belong.”
Trigger Points 101: – Presented by Chris Howard
In this presentation, massage therapist Chris Howard will discuss what trigger points are, why they develop, where you’ll find them, and – of course – how to get rid of them! He’ll pay special attention to how certain trigger points commonly line up with certain issues clients face, and how soft tissue work can play an integral in improving movement quality while preventing and elimination symptoms.
How Bad Do You Want It? – Presented by Greg Robins
In this presentation, Greg will discuss the factors that govern how individuals stick to (or abandon) their training and nutrition goals. He’ll introduce real strategies to help people make changes by focusing on the most important variable: themselves.
Finding the Training Potential in Injury – Presented by Andrew Zomberg
Don’t let a setback set you or your clients back in the weight room. Injuries happen, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still achieve a great training effect. Andrew will discuss the most common injuries/conditions individuals encounter, and how the fitness professional can aid in sustaining a training stimulus during the recovery phase. This will include exercise selection tips, coaching cue recommendations, and programming examples.
Cressey Sports Performance
577 Main St.
Suite 310
Hudson, MA 01749
Regular Rate – $149.99
Student Rate (must have student ID at door) – $129.99
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Registration 8:30AM
Seminar 9AM-5PM
Continuing Education:
0.6 NSCA CEUs pending (six contact hours)
Click Here to Sign-up (Regular)
Click Here to Sign-up (Students)
We’re really excited about this event, and would love to have you join us! However, space is limited and each seminar we’ve hosted in the past has sold out quickly, so don’t delay on signing up!
If you have additional questions, please direct them to cspmass@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing you there!