Saving Shoulders, Throwing Gas, Dropping Body Fat, and Crushing Chin-ups

About the Author: Eric Cressey

This weekend is going to be one of very mixed emotions for our entire family, as we’ll lay my grandfather to rest Saturday morning; he passed last Thursday morning.  Gramp had been the center of our family for my entire life, and he was a huge part of making me the man that I am.  Were it not for Gramp, I never would have developed the passion for baseball that eventually led to me finding a career that focuses on the game.  On one hand, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to him, but on the other hand, we’re happy to celebrate his life and take solace that he’s finally at peace after a long illness.

That said, in his final weeks, Gramp requested a Saturday funeral because – as a former high school principal – he didn’t want any teachers to have to miss school to attend.  To that end, he’d want the show to go on at this blog, too – so that’s what we’ll do with some random thoughts today.

1. I got a mention in the USA Today on Wednesday in a very interesting article on the biceps tenodesis surgery, as this procedure could become the “next big thing” in SLAP repairs.  I was mentioned alongside the likes of Curt Schilling, James Andrews, Brett Favre, Jake Peavy, and Bud Selig…pretty good company!  Check out the article: For Pitchers, Shoulder Surgery Cuts Both Ways.

2. Speaking of pitchers, here’s yet ANOTHER study showing that resistance training (with throwing) improves throwing velocity significantly more than throwing alone.  Meanwhile, we still have some old-school coaches saying that kids shouldn’t lift.  Ugh.

3. How’s this for some solid feedback on just the first two months of Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better?

“Hey Eric, Just wanted to keep you updated with the results I’ve had from Show and Go, as well as ask a quick question regarding this. I started the program at 10% body fat (measured with AccuMeasure callipers) and am now down to about just over 7% body fat! This is the lowest I’ve ever gone.”

For more information, check out

4. Here’s some interesting research that shows that vitamin D deficiency doubles stroke risk in Caucasians.  Deficiency incidence is lower (6.6%) in whites than African-Americans (32.3%), though.  Beyond just cardiovascular health, though, vitamin D is one of the first things we look at in those with chronic soft tissue problems, especially in Northern climates where folks don’t get enough sunshine during the winter months.

5. Today is the last day to get Joel Marion’s Cheat Your Way Thin Holiday Edition at the introductory discount; check it out HERE, if you’re interested.

6. Here’s a great video from Mike Robertson on “Conquering the Chin-up:”

7. And your weekly dose of puppy…

Have a great weekend!

Hey Eric,

Just wanted to keep you updated with the results I’ve had from Show and Go, as well as ask a quick question regarding this. I started the programme at 10% body fat (measured with AccuMeasure callipers) and am now down to about just over 7% body fat! This is the lowest I’ve ever gone.
