Sports Rehab to Sports Performance 2010

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that Joe Heiler is following up last year’s successful Sports Rehab to Sports Performance Teleseminar with a 2010 installment.  I’m thrilled to be one part of an incredible lineup:

Gray Cook
Shirley Sahrmann
Robert Panariello
Stuart McGill (bonus interview with Chris Poirier from Perform Better)
Craig Liebenson
Clare Frank
Mike Reinold
Greg Rose
Mike Boyle
Gary Gray
(and Eric Cressey)

In all, it will be nine awesome interviews. The teleseminar series will begin on January 27th and Joe will play one interview per week (Wednesday nights at 8 pm).  If you can’t catch them that night, don’t worry; he’ll be putting them up on his site for another 48 hours.

For more information, check out the Sports Rehab to Sports Performance Sign-up Page.
