Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 1/31/19

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I didn’t get around to publishing this weekly feature last week, so I’ve got a bit of content stockpiled. Here was the best of the bunch:

Ace in the Hole: Corey Kluber at Cressey – New England Baseball Journal just ran this cover feature and article about Corey Kluber’s training at Cressey Sports Performance – Massachusetts in their February edition.

Pete Dupuis on Niche Domination in the Fitness Industry – Don’t miss this excellent Robertson Training Systems podcast with my business partner, Pete Dupuis.

7 Ways to Maintain Strength During Baseball Season – With baseball season rapidly approaching, it seemed like a good idea to reincarnate this guest article from CSP-MA Director of Performance, John O’Neil.

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585×5 went well last week, so it was on to 600×5 this week. PRs aside, though, it was actually a pretty good example of how off the predicted max charts really are. 👇 After this set, I plugged 600 pounds and 5 reps into four separate predicted max calculators I found on the internet. The projections for my 1RM were anywhere from 675 pounds all the way up to 705 pounds. That 675 might be a possibility, but taking that to a 705 might very well be two years worth of specialized deadlift training. 🤔 Predicted max calculators have their place, but don’t think for a second that they’re perfectly accurate. And, they’re even less accurate with a) more experienced lifters and b) lifters with a heavy fast twitch profile. #cspfamily #deadlift

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