Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/19/18

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s been pretty quiet here on the blog of late, as we’ve been really crazy with the CSP Fall Seminar, our Business Building Mentorship, loads of pro baseball guys starting up their offseason, and us moving the family down to Florida for the offseason. While there hasn’t been a lot of time for new content, I do have some good recommendations from around the ‘Net for you:

CSP Fall Seminar Live Tweet Stream – Andrew Lysy (one of our coaches at CSP-MA) live Tweeting bits and pieces of the presentations from this past weekend, and there are some great nuggets in there. You can follow along with them at

How to Build an Aerobic Base with Mobility Circuits – I wrote this blog three years ago, and it seemed like a good time to reincarnate it, as this is the time of year when we’re incorporating these strategies with a lot of our MLB guys as they get back in action in the weight room.

EC on the Robby Row Show – If you’re interested in baseball development, check out this podcast I did with Robby Rowland.

3 Loading Types You’ve Likely Never Heard Of – This was an awesome guest post from Chris Merritt for Mike Robertson’s website.

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