Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/16/17
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. The baseball off-season is in full swing and I have several evaluations today, so we’ll be sharing some good content from around the web to keep you entertained until I have a spare moment to pull together some content. Check it out:
Resilient Performance Podcast with Dr. Fergus Connolly – Doug Kechijian interviewed Fergus in light of the release of his new book, Game Changer. There’s some excellent discussion of the current state of sports science.
Changing Baseball Culture: A Call to Action – In light of a few recent conversations, I thought it was a good time to reincarnate this guest post from my good friend Eric Schoenberg.
The Older You Are, The Worse You Sleep – I thought this essay from Dr. Matthew Walker for The Wall Street Journal was intriguing. At the very least, it was nice to see a well-researched article on a health topic in a more mainstream publication.
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