Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/29/31 (High Performance Handbook Edition)

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s been super busy over the past ten days, so as we come back to Earth from The High Performance Handbook launch, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who purchased the product and helped to spread the word. I really appreciate your support!

I’ll be back shortly with some brand new content, but in the meantime, I wanted to highlight some of the articles that were featured during last week’s launch. It’s a combination of articles I wrote for other sites, as well as ones other individuals authored.

Strength Matters, Ya Big Sissy – This was a guest post I wrote for John Romaniello, along with an awesome detailed introduction from him.

How to Write and Adapt a Program – This was a great post Dean Somerset wrote to kick off the launch week.  His site also featured a guest post from me – Band-Resisted Power Training: A Game Changer – as well as a cool top ten list at the end of the week.

So You Can’t Squat? Do This Instead – This was a guest post I wrote for Jason Ferruggia.

Training for Rotational Warriors – This was a guest post I wrote for Martin Rooney.

5 Common Assessment Mistakes – This was a guest post I wrote for Alwyn Cosgrove.

The Most Important Aspect of Any Program – Here’s an excellent post from Mike Reinold discussing the HPH program.

Individualization: How Results Go from Good to Outstanding – This was a guest post I wrote for Kevin Neeld.

Earning the Right to Train Overhead – This was a guest post I wrote for Wil Fleming.

Easy Training Modifications for Overhead Athletes – This was a guest post I wrote for the International Youth Conditioning Association.

Why You Must Not Stretch Hypermobile Clients – This was a guest post I wrote for The Personal Trainer Development Center.

Efficiency: Important for the Joes and the Pros – This was a guest post I wrote for

Why It’s Not Always JUST About Strength – This was a great article from Tony Gentilcore, and it complemented his earlier post, The Single-Biggest Mistake Most People Make With Their Programs, nicely.

7 Tips for Gaining Strength Fast – This was a guest post I did for Sean Hyson.

Front Squat – This didn’t really have anything to do with The High Performance Handbook, but it was an absurdly good post from Mike Robertson that deserves some love, especially since he reviewed HPH earlier in the week.

High Performance Training with Eric Cressey – This was a Skype interview I did with Tyler at The Garage Warrior.

Eric Cressey on Shoulder Work, Breathing, Business, and The High Performance Handbook – Anthony Renna interviewed me over the phone for the Strength Coach Podcast.

Episode 275: Strength Adventure with Eric Cressey – Here, Kevin Larrabee interviewed me for The Fitcast.

An Interview with Eric Cressey – As the name imples, Bret Contreras interviewed me, and you can read it here.

How to Customize Your Training – Another interview, this time with Chad Waterbury.

Q&A with Eric Cressey – Jim Kielbaso interviewed me for this post.

Version 2.0 Interview with Eric Cressey – John Izzo interviewed me for a post on his website, too.

Single-leg Success Strategies – This was a guest post I wrote for Fitocracy.

I think this wraps it up. Needless to say, I did a lot of talking and typing last week!  In case you missed it, you can still pick up a copy of The High Performance Handbook.

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