Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 10/31/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Personally, while I’m really enjoying the World Series, I’m ready for these late-night playoff games to end so that I can get back to getting to bed early!

Anyway, here’s a little recommended strength and conditioning reading to kick off your week:

Meal Plans Usually Suck; Here Are 6 Better Ways to Transform Your Diet - I absolutely LOVE this article from Brian St. Pierre. It’s a game-changer when individuals understand nutrition principles rather than just becoming slave to pre-made meal plans. 


10 Commandments of Injury Prevention – Dr. John Rusin did a good job with this article for T-Nation. There are a lot of things you probably already know – but they deserve reiteration!  

Why We Don’t List Our Prices on the Internet – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, thoroughly outlines why you won’t find our fees on

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He’s pretty good.

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