Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 12/13/17
Happy Wednesday! Here are a few recommended reads to get you over Hump Day.
Get Up to Get Down: The Impact of Scapular Movement on Pitch Location – With tomorrow being the early bird registration discount deadlift on our January Elite Baseball Mentorship, I thought it’d be a good time to reincarnate this great guest post from Eric Schoenberg from the archives. You can learn more about the mentorship HERE.
9 Reasons Nutrition Can Feel So Confusing – This is a great video from Dr. John Berardi and his team at Precision Nutrition. They outline the problem, but just as importantly, get folks started on some strategies for improvement.
Gym Owner Musings – Installment 9 – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, always delivers some good thoughts in this random collection of reflections on what he’s learned on the business side of fitness.
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