Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 1/22/15
Looking for some good reading material in the world of strength and conditioning? Check these suggestions for the week out:
How to Raise a Tough Athlete – A tennis coach I know posted this on his Facebook page the other day, and I really liked the messages. I love the focus on empowering the athlete, emphasizing process and effort over outcomes, and creating progressive challenges – as opposed to just running an athlete into the ground. Great stuff from Gielie Hoffmann.
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior – I recently finished this audiobook from Ori and Rom Brafman, and really enjoyed it. If you’re interested in social behavioral work (e.g., Malcolm Gladwell, Chip and Dan Heath), this will be in your wheelhouse. The Brafman brothers talk extensively about why folks make bad decisions, and how to avoid these traps.
Squat Mechanics: A Deep Analysis – Mark Rippetoe authored a fantastic, in-depth article on proper back squat technique for T-Nation. This is must-read material.
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