Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 1/26/17
It’s time for this week’s list of recommended strength and conditioning reading. With this week’s launch of Cressey Sports Performance Innovations ($50 off through Sunday at midnight), we’re going with a CSP staff theme here.
Believe It Or Not, CSP Isn’t a One-Man Show – Pete Dupuis authored up this great post about how to build up a multifaceted fitness team instead of just a one-man show. It’s a great read for anyone who aspires to own a facility one day (or already has one).
Technique Tuesday with Tony Bonvechio – You might not know that CSP coach Tony Bonvechio posts a thorough technique video each Tuesday morning on the CSP-MA Facebook page. Here’s this week’s:
6 Ways to Improve Your Bench Press Lockout – This is another great contribution from Tony Bonvechio, there resident bench press expert at CSP!
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