Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 1/31/17
I’m flying up to Massachusetts tonight for a quick visit, so I don’t have time to write up anything new. Luckily, I have some great stuff from around the ‘Net to share with you.
The Hierarchy of Fitness Industry Success – Here’s a great post for the fitness industry up-and-comers, courtesy of CSP-MA co-founder, Tony Gentilcore.
Lessons New Coaches Can Take from the Belichick Blueprint – I’m a big Patriots fan not only because I was born in New England, but also because they always seem to find value where others miss it. Some of the personnel decisions during Bill Belichick’s tenure have come under scrutiny, but they always seem to work out. This article shares some invaluable lessons that carry over across industries.
Some Reasons Why You Should Stop Stretching Your Hip Flexors – Dean Somerset presents some excellent thoughts on better ways to attack the problem of “tight hip flexors.”
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