Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 2/12/16
Happy Friday, everyone! Here are three good reads from the strength and conditioning world to kick off your weekend on the right foot:
Would I Be Healthier If I Quit Drinking? – Camille DePutter takes a close look into how alcohol and fitness can co-exist, and what tradeoffs the choice to drink may entail. As usual, Precision Nutrition delivers excellent content.
Resume Building 101 for Fitness Professionals – My business partner, Pete, reviews well over 300 resumes each year for both CSP internships and jobs. Suffice it to say that if you’re looking to strengthen your resume in the fitness industry, this is must-read material!
EC on the Physical Preparation Podcast with Mike Robertson – I was a guest on Mike’s show last week, and we talked a lot about baseball development.
Also, just a friendly reminder that the $30 off sale on The High Performance Handbook ends this Sunday at midnight. Be sure to take advantage of this discount on my most popular resource of all time!