Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 2/27/12

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here’s a list of recommended strength and conditioning reading to kick off you week.

The Prevalence of Radiographic Hip Abnormalities in Elite Soccer Players – This recently published study in the AJSM shows us just how common hip issues are in soccer players – even if they’re asymptomatic.  You can apply this to hockey players as well – and possibly on an even more pronounced level.  This goes hand-in-hand with some of my writings in the past about knees, shoulders, and lower backs.  Just because someone is asymptomatic does not mean that they are “healthy” – and this is why assessment and an understanding of population-specific norms are so important!

Band-Assisted 1-arm Push-ups: A Better Alternative – My buddy Shon Grosse outlines a good progression for those looking to build up to a one-arm push-up.

Causes InternationalThis isn’t so much fitness-related, but I think it’s a great organization worth checking out. The folks at Causes International provide an opportunity for you to help raise money for your favorite charities by donating your used electronics (a process known as upcycling).  Most people have old gadgets kicking around the house, and these can easily be upcycled to benefit others and protect the environment.

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