Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 3/14/17

About the Author: Eric Cressey

We missed this regular feature last week, as I penned some extra original content in lieu of posting the regularly scheduled “redirects” around the ‘net. Luckily, it allowed me to stockpile some stuff for this installment:

Conscious Coaching – Brett Bartholomew just released this excellent book for coaches, and it’s already getting rave reviews. Add my name to the list of that list of impressed reviewers, as I’m halfway through and really enjoying it. I’d call this must-read material for any up-and-coming member of the fitness industry.


The Resilient Performance Podcast with Bill Hartman – Bill is one of the brightest guys in the industry, and I learn something each time he speaks. Put him on a call with another super bright guy, Doug Kechijian, and you get an awesome podcast like this!

The 12 Best Ways to Build Shoulders – This roundtable was published this morning at T-Nation, and I was one of 12 contributors. You’ll get a nice blend of contributions from bodybuilding and performance backgrounds.

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