Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 3/7/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Happy Monday, folks. I hope everyone had a great weekend. We brought our twin daughters to their first MLB game yesterday, and they did surprisingly well, behaving through all nine innings! Hopefully, this momentum carries over into the rest of the week. Here’s some good strength and conditioning reading to get the ball rolling: 

How to Prepare to Avoid Early Season Pitching Injuries – I was interviewed for this article by Dan Weigel for Sporting News. The second half of the article ran a few days later: The Dangers of Spring Training

Pump the Brakes on Bashing Higher Education for Fitness Professionals – My business partner, Pete, did a solid job of outlining another perspective on the topic of college education in the fitness industry. These come as follow-ups to my popular articles, Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It – Part 1 and Part 2

7 Truths About Strength Training – This was an excellent post from Jim Wendler for T-Nation. He hit a lot of nails on the head.

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