Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 4/23/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s a rainy Saturday morning, so what better way to overcome the weather than to check out some good reading material? Here’s some excellent stuff I’ve come across lately:

4 Reasons Fitness Professionals Must Understand Corrective Exercise and Post-Rehab Training – I wrote up this post a few years ago, but wanted to bring it back to the forefront in light of the fact that Dean Somerset put his excellent resource, Post-Rehab Essentials, on sale for $50 off through the end of the weekend.


“Because My Boss Sucks” is a Sh**ty Reason to Open Your Own Gym – The title is a bit aggressive, but my business partner, Pete Dupuis, wrote up a great post for all the fitness professionals out there who are considering opening their own facilities. 

Scaling Up Excellence – I finished up this excellent book by Robert Sutton on my drive back to Massachusetts last weekend. It’s targeted toward managing growth of businesses, but has a ton of invaluable messages for coaches, too.


I’ve also decided to start including my top Tweet and Instagram posts of the week in this weekly feature. Here they are:


Top Tweet:


Top Instagram Post:

Have a great weekend!

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