Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 4/24/14
Here’s this week’s list of recommended strength and conditioning reading:
5 Reasons Why There Are So Many MLB Tommy John Injuries – Mike Reinold posted this blog earlier in the week, and it’s spot on. And, if you think this is good, you’ll love what Mike and I cover in Functional Stability Training of the Upper Body, which will be released in just a few weeks.
An Interview with Eric Cressey – Robbie Bourke interviewed me for his Podcast recently, and it was just posted. I love Podcasts because you can just throw them on in the background while you’re driving, preparing food, or doing something else.
CP Client Spotlight: Chuck Abdalian – Chuck’s one of our favorite Cressey Performers, so it was about time that he got featured in a client spotlight!