Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 4/8/16
Happy Friday! I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. Before you kick off the festivities, though, here are a few good reads to wrap up your week:
The $100 Billion Hoax – My buddy Adam Bornstein authored this fantastic post on how outrageously spending has increased in the health, fitness, and nutritional supplement sectors while Americans have become more obese than ever.
Fergus Connolly Coaching Series: Part 1 – Great Coaches – This was a fantastic article written by Fergus Connolly, who has a fantastic background in sports science at the highest levels.
The Arm – Jeff Passan recently released this great read – and it’s the culmination of several years of research all around the country to examine the causes of the pitching injury epidemic. He actually stopped by CSP-Florida last spring to interview me. The finished product is great “infotainment,” where you’ll learn to see injuries through a different light while being drawn in by various stories on baseball development, new research on the horizon, and rehabilitation struggles. I’ll be posting an interview with Jeff on EricCressey.com soon.