Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 5/3/18

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I hope you’re having a great week. Here’s some recommended reading from around the ‘net to finish it off on a high note.

11 Deadlifting Tips – I contributed to this deadlift compilation for T-Nation, and it covers this big lift from a number of different perspectives.

The Biggest Change in Strength Coaching – This quick post from Dave Tate was spot-on with where I see the industry headed in future years.

Vernon Griffith on Communication, Mindset, and Lasting Impact in Youth Athletics – I love learning from coaches who understand how to get through to athletes and create long-term positive changes. This podcast is a great example.

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When we coach our overhead medicine ball stomp variations, I never want athletes to try to “deaden” the rebound by catching the ball as it comes right off the floor. This approach is shown in the video on the right, and you’ll notice that I’m already in deceleration mode (in anticipation of “protecting” against the rebound) rather than powering through the entire range of motion. Contrast it to the better technique on the left, where I just “let it eat” and then “regroup” with a catch at torso height. 👇 Another downside to trying to stop the rebound closer to the floor is that it markedly increases the likelihood that you’ll jam a thumb. And, where there really aren’t any benefits to stopping the rebound lower down, it’s really not worth the risk. #cspfamily

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