Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 5/15/17
I skipped a week of this recommended reading installment, but I’m happy to report that it allowed me to stockpile a little extra content for you. So, here are six recommendations instead of my normal three:
Why a Pro Approach Will Fail When Coaching the Youth Athlete – Former Cressey Sports Performance intern John Dusel wrote this great post for Nancy Newell’s site.
4 Steps to Deeper Learning – My good friend Mike Robertson wrote this up with up-and-coming strength and conditioning coaches in mind, but the lessons really apply to any industry.
Does Diet Soda Cause Strokes and Dementia? – As always, the crew at Examine.com cut through the noise and give you the low down on recently published research.
The Truth About Kids and Resistance Training – I received a question the other day about whether resistance training was appropriate for kids, and I quickly “referred out”…to myself! I wrote this article up eight years ago and it’s still right on target.
The San Antonio Spurs, Made with 100 Percent Juice – This is a nice shoutout to Brian St. Pierre for his nutrition work with the Spurs.
Want a White Collar To-Do List? Start With Some Blue Collar Work – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, shares some insights on the entrepreneurial side of fitness.
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