Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 6/15/18

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s been a quiet week here on the blog because I’m still recovering from last week’s Sturdy Shoulder Solutions product launch and the barrage of college athletes who are all starting up at CSP at the same time. Luckily, I do have some good content from around the ‘net for you:

Pat Rigsby on Building Your Ideal Fitness Business – Pat Rigsby is the man. I got this email from Mike Robertson in my inbox this morning and cleared time in my schedule to listen to this podcast right away. He always has great business insights for fitness professionals.

10 Strength and Conditioning Lessons from Friends, Mentors, and Colleagues – This is a great compilation from my buddy Todd Hamer, who’s been a mainstay in the college strength and conditioning field for as long as I can remember.

Lessons Learned from a Bum Elbow – I posted this story on my Facebook page the other day, and there are a lot of lessons in here for fitness professionals and rehabilitation specialists, especially those who deal with throwing athletes.

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