Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 6/21/18
I hope you’re having a great week. I’m gearing up for a weekend of presenting in Colorado, but the good news is that having some flights opens up some time for distraction-free reading and writing on the plane. Here are some good reads from around the ‘net from the past week:
New Rules for Being a Strength Coach – Todd Hamer wrote this great piece up for EliteFTS, and I love the concept of continuous improvement in strength and conditioning. Todd’s a guy who is always seeking to get better, no matter how long he’s been in the industry.
Having an Approach to Having an Approach – This was a guest blog I wrote for my business partner, Pete Dupuis, a few years ago. I cover some fitness business concepts, including networking and lifetime value of a customer.
5 No-Diet Ways to Get Lean – I really liked this article from Dani Shugart on behavior modifications for nutritional success.
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