Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 6/27/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had an awesome weekend. Just in case you didn’t, here is some good strength and conditioning material from around the ‘net over the past week:

My 5 Least Favorite Coaching Cues – Mike Robertson wrote up this great article on well-intentioned, but inappropriate coaching cues.

Autonomic Dysfunction: Real or Not Real? – This was an outstanding post from Seth Oberst and Dr. Ben House. I love the emphasis on multiple practitioners from different disciplines collaborating to assist those dealing with chronic stress.

Gym Owner Musings: 5 Random Lessons Learned – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, pulled together this blog on a few lessons we’ve learned in nine years in business at Cressey Sports Performance.  


Facebook Live Q&A with EC and Tony Bonvechio – I forgot to post this last week, but Tony and I did a lengthy Q&A to celebrate one year of his “Technique Tuesday” videos. You can watch it here:

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