Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 6/7/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’m a day late with this weekly recommended reading/viewing list in light of the Functional Stability Training: Optimizing Movement launch yesterday. Fortunately, though, that launch led to our first piece of highlighted content!

What Goes Into Optimal Movement Quality? - Here’s a quick excerpt from one of Mike Reinold’s webinars in our new FST resource:

Don’t forget: you can pick this resource up for $30 off HERE during our introductory sale.

Strength Faction Eric Cressey Q&A – I did a call with the Strength Faction a few weeks ago, and this was the summary of some of the big takeaway points. Most of it has to do more with business and personal development than training.

Top 5 Coaching Cues – This was great stuff from Mike Robertson. He highlights five coaching cues that I find myself using all the time, too!

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I’m going to geek out a bit for the fitness professionals and rehab specialists here, as there are some good coaching lessons on this prone trap raise: 1. Don’t force range of motion: he runs out of true posterior tilt (scapulothoracic) movement and tries to get extra ball-on-socket (glenohumeral) motion. 2. Forward head posture: much better to not allow the head positioning to be off the edge of the table. 3. Incorrect arm angle: the arm should be up at 135 degrees (line of pull of lower traps), not out to ~100 degrees, as we see here. This is very common in athletes who a) want to stay in scapular anterior tilt, b) can’t shut their lats off, and/or c) are really kyphotic (rounded upper back). 4. Elbow flexion substitution: shortens the lever arm of the resistance, and in conjunction with #3, lets the athlete think they’re actually in the right line of pull. Good movement has to be conscious before it becomes subconscious. And, arm care is as much about the “how” as it is about the “what.” #cspfamily #armcare

A video posted by Eric Cressey (@ericcressey) on

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