Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 6/7/16
I’m a day late with this weekly recommended reading/viewing list in light of the Functional Stability Training: Optimizing Movement launch yesterday. Fortunately, though, that launch led to our first piece of highlighted content!
What Goes Into Optimal Movement Quality? - Here’s a quick excerpt from one of Mike Reinold’s webinars in our new FST resource:
Don’t forget: you can pick this resource up for $30 off HERE during our introductory sale.
Strength Faction Eric Cressey Q&A – I did a call with the Strength Faction a few weeks ago, and this was the summary of some of the big takeaway points. Most of it has to do more with business and personal development than training.
Top 5 Coaching Cues – This was great stuff from Mike Robertson. He highlights five coaching cues that I find myself using all the time, too!
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