Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 7/15/19

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’ve finally gotten this feature back on an early-in-the-week publication schedule! Here’s some good stuff from around the ‘Net of late:

Complete Speed and Agility Coach Certification – I’ve commented on numerous occasions how much I like this resource and accompanying certification from Lee Taft. It’s on sale for $150 off this week and definitely worth the investment.

It Took Me Ten years to Become an Overnight Success – A recent conversation reminded me of this article my business partner, Pete Dupuis, wrote a few years ago. It’s an important one for the up-and-comers in our field.

The Value of Self-Doubt – I enjoyed this podcast from Brett Bartholomew at The Art of Coaching. It’s a great listen for both novice and more experienced coaches. I loved him arguing FOR imposter syndrome in an era where everyone is positioned as an expert.

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Tall athletes have much less wiggle room with their setup than shorter athletes do, as long levers can make weights feel heavier, and more range-of-motion equates to more opportunity for things to go wrong. This is especially true when it comes to pulling from the ground. On the left, you’ll see @joerock___ (who is 6-7) round over and try to use the bar to pull himself into a good starting position – but he doesn’t quite get to where he needs to go. On the right, we reach the arms out in front as a counterbalance, and have him descend to the bar without ever giving up an optional torso posture. The best way to firm up good positions is to never allow bad positions to take place. Swipe left for the actual set (good work, Joe!). . . . #cspfamily #deadlift #trapbar

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