Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 7/21/20
Here’s some recommended reading from around the ‘Net:
What Really Constitutes Functional Balance Training? -This is an old blog of mine that I’m “re-upping” here because of a conversation about specificity of balance training that I had with an athlete the other day.
How to Have Impossible Conversations – I just finished this as an audiobook, and it was outstanding – especially in light of recent events in the world. There are definitely lessons for every strength and conditioning/fitness and sports medicine professional.
Sport specialization is associated with upper-extremity overuse injury in high school baseball players – Here’s (yet another) study demonstrating a drastic increase in injury rates in those who specialize in one sport. In this particular study, highly specialized high school baseball players from California, Alabama, and Michigan were 3.77 times more likely to have had an upper extremity injury in the previous year than their non-specialized counterparts.
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