Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 7/13/15

About the Author: Eric Cressey

It’s Monday, so let’s get right to a week of content with some featured posts from around the ‘net.

10 Conversations to Have Before Signing Your Gym Lease – My business partner, Pete Dupuis, did somewhat of a “brain dump” for all the potential gym owners out there. Be sure to read this if you’re considering opening your own place.


Diet or Deception: The Problem with Nutrition Secrets – Adam Bornstein is a fantastic writer who always delivers “no BS” content as an entertaining read. This is an awesome example.

Technique Tuesday with Tony – We’ve started some new weekly features on the CSP-MA Facebook page, and on Tuesdays, Tony Bonvechio goes over some coaching cues with a 2-3 minute video. This week, he talks about how to keep your elbows under the bar while squatting.
