Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 7/18/17
I’ve been crushing audiobooks, print books, and DVDs of late, so it’s generated some good material for these weekly installments.
Certified Program Design Specialist Course – Robert Dos Remedios just released this course, and I’m working my way through it right now. Program Design is this huge “hole” in industry education; it’s so incredibly complex to teach that I’m impressed that Dos even tried to tackle the project! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen thus far, and this could be a great resource for up-and-coming coaches. It’s $100 off this week as an introductory discount.
Smart Baseball – I really enjoyed Keith Law’s new book, as it delved heavily into the world of advanced statistics in baseball. If you’re a casual observer to the sabermetric world, this would be a good read for getting up to speed – and it’ll help you watch baseball through a different lens.
The Quadruped Rock-Back Test: RIP – Doug Kechijian just published this article that asserts that this classic test probably doesn’t hold as much merit for predicting squatting success as one might think.
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