Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 7/25/16

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here’s a little recommended reading from the strength and conditioning world to get the week started off on the right foot:

EC on the Movement Fix Podcast – Dr. Ryan DeBell had me on his podcast a few weeks ago, and we talked about everything from business to evaluations and programming for overhead athletes.

Recap of the 2016 Perform Better Functional Training Summit – Harold Gibbons wrote up this great review of the Perform Better presentations he attended recently in Providence. I’ve been presenting on the PB tour for ten years now, and I can honestly say that these events are the best value in continuing education in the fitness industry today. I’d highly recommend checking them out, if you haven’t already.


A Comparison of Different Commercial Models of Physical Assessment: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 – This outstanding series from physical therapist Doug Kechijian discusses the utility of three different clinical approaches – PRI, FMS/SFMA, and FRC – and how they all deserve a place in your comprehensive approach.

Top Tweet of the Week:


Top Instagram Post of the Week:


In your life, you have friends, mentors, and people who change your life so immeasurably that neither of those two words can possibly do them justice. Alwyn Cosgrove falls into that third category for me. In my email account, I have a folder called “AC Stuff.” It’s a collection of literally hundreds of emails Alwyn sent me from 2005-2008 on topics relating to professional development and starting a fitness business. Without these invaluable lessons, there probably wouldn’t be a @cresseysportsperformance today (let alone facilities in both MA AND FL). This generosity with his time and expertise was remarkable enough, but what makes these interactions even more incredible is that Alwyn was doling out this advice while he was beating Stage IV cancer for the second time. Between bouts of chemotherapy, he was passing along reading recommendations. As he prepared for his stem cell transplant, he was describing the ins and outs of semi-private training to me. If that’s not the very definition of “selfless,” I don’t know what is. Always good to see you, buddy. You should get Instagram so that you can actually read this. :)

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