Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 8/19/19
I hope you had a great weekend. Before I get to the good stuff, just a friendly reminder that this Friday is the last day to get the early-bird discount on our fall seminar (9/21-9/22) at Cressey Sports Performance – MA. This 1.5 day event offers 10 CEU hours through the NSCA and features some awesome presentations. You can learn more HERE. Additionally, CSP co-founder Pete Dupuis and I have our business mentorship on Monday the 23rd, and we only have three spots remaining. Business mentorship attendees attend the fall seminar at no additional charge; you can grab one of the remaining spots HERE.
Now, on to the recommended reading and listening for the week:
The Thin Line Between Loyalty and Defection – Speaking of Pete, this is an excellent post he wrote up on last week on the business side of fitness.
Chris Chase on the Evolution of Basketball Strength and Conditioning – This is the second time Mike Robertson has had Chris Chase (Memphis Grizzlies) on his podcast, and given how excellent the first interview was, listening this time around was a no-brainer. It didn’t disappoint.
Recency Bias and Long-Term Training Success – Given the volatility of the stock market in recent weeks, it seemed like a good time to reincarnate this article I wrote a few years ago. The concept of recency bias can be applied to your training programs just like it can be to investing.
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