Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 8/12/11 (Fitness Business Blueprint Edition)
With today being the last day of the early-bird $100 off discount on The Fitness Business Blueprint, I wanted to take a quick second to direct you to a few reads that might be of interest along these lines:
Bret Contreras Interviews Cressey, Robertson, and Rigsby – Here, Bret asks not just about our new resource, but a lot of how our businesses came to be.
Your Fitness Business Blueprint Questions Answered – Have a question about The Fitness Business Blueprint? Chances are that it’s answered here.
EC on The Fitcast – I went on the Fitcast with Kevin Larrabee the other day to discuss the new product as well as the overall concept of running a fitness business. If you’d rather listen than read, here’s the one for you!
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